A Review for the Mechanism of Research Productivity Enhancement in the Higher Education Institution

Ahmad Sanmorino (1), Fitrah Karimah (2)
(1) Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Indo Global Mandiri, Palembang, Indonesia
(2) Ma'had Zaadul Ma'ad, Palembang, Indonesia
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Sanmorino, A., & Karimah, F. (2021). A Review for the Mechanism of Research Productivity Enhancement in the Higher Education Institution. International Journal of Advanced Science Computing and Engineering, 3(1), 28–39. https://doi.org/10.62527/ijasce.3.1.43

The main purpose of this review is to find out the mechanism of research productivity enhancement proposed by each researcher in the papers they have published. The availability of these various mechanisms raises the desire of the authors to compare each mechanism. The focus of the review lies in the mechanism, characteristics, source of data, and evaluation methods used by each researcher. The review then jumps to the results obtained by each mechanism. The author also compares the types of data used by each researcher and the parties involved in the mechanism. There are some differences in the use of terminology between one to another mechanism, but in essence, it has the same goal, research productivity enhancement.

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