Inventory Control Processing System (ICProS)
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 Nowadays, many companies use modern technology in the operation
of their business. However, there are some companies that still use the
traditional way in processing their data and one of this is Organization
A. The business process in Organization A is still using manual way
on monitoring daily transactions and managing an inventory. All the
necessary records of completed transaction are being filled in different
ways such as log book, papers of letters and forms. Observation and
interviewed with the staf in charge has been conducted and there is a
need for Organization A to have a computerization system to lessen
their work: procedures and process flow; and can secure files and
information within their business as the data will be save into the
database. An online system known as Inventory Control Processing
System (ICProS) is developed to assist in establishing the monitoring
process of the inventory in Organization A. Adapted Waterfall Model
has been used in the system development process that consists of 5
phases; planning, analysis, system design, system development and
testing. Evaluation has been conducted for 30 respondents and result
shows that respondents perceive ICProS as a useful system that can be
implemented in Organization A (Mean=3.99, SD=0.755). Result of
the evaluation also indicate that there are some improvement needed
(interface and feedback) before the system can be implemented.

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