Focus And Scope
IJASCE supports scientific and technological research with a focus on Indonesia, but not just in terms of authorship or regional coverage. Scientists, instructors, senior researchers, project managers, research administrators, and students who are far along in their research are all required to contribute. There will be a thorough screening process before an article is published in IJASCE.
The journal's editorial materials and components consist of the following:
- theory-based writing
- empirical research.
- a case study
- systematic review of the literature.
Innovative submissions from the realm of science and technology are welcomed by the editorial board. The journal's coverage areas include:
- AgriculturE
- Civil and architectural engineering
- Engineering in space and astronomy
- Engineering in biology, biology, and biosystems
- Chemical Engineering and Chemistry
- Computer Engineering and Science
- Engineering and Earth Science
- Engineering in electrical, electronic, and computer systems
- Engineering, Science, and the Environment
- Engineering and Science in Food
- Education in maths and mathematics
- Structure of Laboratories
- Materials science, mechanical engineering, and physics
- Education in Science and Engineering