Design and Development of a Coffe Blending Device with Carbon Monoxide (CO) Level Identification Based on Artificial Neural Networks
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Coffee is categorized into three types Robusta, Arabica, and Liberica. The roasting process is the most crucial step in developing the aroma, flavor, and underlying color that determine coffee quality. The coffee roasting process produces complex aroma compounds that impart the desired taste and aroma characteristics of coffee. This research aims to design a coffee content detection tool by determining the carbon monoxide (CO) level in Arabica, Robusta, and Liberica coffee. The research uses the Backpropagation artificial neural network method with 2 hidden layers, including 4 input layers and 3 output layers, to identify the tested coffee varieties. The highest carbon monoxide (CO) levels were found in Arabica Special coffee, with an ADC level of 662 carbon monoxide gas. The lowest carbon monoxide (CO) levels were detected in Liberica coffee, with an ADC level of 105 carbon monoxide gas. Coffee identification was carried out using an artificial neural network method with a success rate of 98% for Liberica coffee, 100% for Arabica coffee, and 98% for Robusta coffee.
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