Vouching the Digital Literacy in Instruction Viz-A-Viz Performance: Contextualized Enhancement Activities

Nikko B. Suico (1), Alden Q. Gabuya Jr (2), Charina G. Bardoquillo (3), Zarmie Lis R. Briones (4), Angen May Charcos (5), Ma. Carla Abaquita (6), Rowena Abaquita (7), Arliezl Mancio (8)
(1) Biasong National High School, Biasong, Balamban, Cebu, Philippines
(2) Cebu Technological University- Tuburan Campus, Barangay VIII, Tuburan, Cebu, Philipines
(3) Cebu Technological University- Tuburan Campus, Barangay VIII, Tuburan, Cebu, Philipines
(4) Cebu Technological University- Tuburan Campus, Barangay VIII, Tuburan, Cebu, Philipines
(5) Cebu Technological University- Tuburan Campus, Barangay VIII, Tuburan, Cebu, Philipines
(6) Cebu Technological University- Tuburan Campus, Barangay VIII, Tuburan, Cebu, Philipines
(7) Cebu Technological University- Tuburan Campus, Barangay VIII, Tuburan, Cebu, Philipines
(8) Cebu Technological University- Tuburan Campus, Barangay VIII, Tuburan, Cebu, Philipines
How to cite (IJASEIT) :
Suico, N., Gabuya Jr, A. Q., Bardoquillo, C., Briones, Z. L. R., Charcos, A. M., Abaquita, M. C., … Mancio, A. (2024). Vouching the Digital Literacy in Instruction Viz-A-Viz Performance: Contextualized Enhancement Activities. International Journal of Advanced Science Computing and Engineering, 6(3). https://doi.org/10.62527/ijasce.6.3.198
The study determined the degree of digital literacy and the various ICT skills of Senior High School Students of Biasong National High School, Balamban, Cebu for the academic year 2021-2022. Significantly, it aimed to identify the students’ levels of digital access as to motivational access, material access, skills access, and usage access. The data was processed with the respondents’ profile to create contextualized enhancement activities that used the available materials and digital devices. Simple percentage, weighted mean, Pearson product-moment coefficient of correlation r, simple ranking, independent samples t-test, and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used with the descriptive-correlation methodology. Findings indicated that there is virtually little correlation between respondents’ levels of digital access and their age, sex, and academic standing. Moreover, skills access and use access have low positive correlations with motivation access and overall digital access (r=0.398, p>0.01) and with each other (r=0.398, p>0.01). This implies that even though there is a slightly higher value of correlation when compared with the other inter-correlation of factors, the same shows low correlation. However, there is a weakly positive correlation between Usage and Overall Digital Access Levels (r=0.516, p>0.01) as well as between Skills and Overall Digital Accesses (r=0.643, p>0.01). The Moderate association shows that even though the frequency of using digital devices and ICT skills are both important for developing digital literacy, the respondents don’t have less motivation or much using digital devices.

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